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Easy weaving workshopFamily afternoons

  • Workshops

Come and weave like nimble weaverbirds, those remarkable birds noted for their social behaviour and their woven nests, and spontaneously build different shapes.

For children aged 3 to 6 accompanied by an adult.

Led by Gwennaëlle La Rosa from the Théâtre de la Guimbarde.

SUN. 19.07.2020 > SOLD OUT!
SUN. 09.08.2020
14:00 > 16:30

6€ / participant / workshop
Article 27

As the number of places is limited, registration for the workshop is compulsory and confirmed on payment.

Infos :
+32 71 27 29 71 or email hidden; JavaScript is required

Réservez ici pour le dimanche 09.08.2020

Chargement en cours...

Another workshop is being run at the same time on both dates for children aged 6 or more and adults. For further information please click on the link below.